Return to BDAT index
2 Decoy Round
3 Furious Blast
4 Burst Grenade
5 Flash Grenade
6 Assault Breaker
7 Medic Free
8 Takedown Shot
9 Power Dive
10 Last Stand
11 Gunforce
12 Flame Grenade
13 Assault Hammer
14 Infuriate
16 Quick Cannon
17 Grenade Blitz
18 Overclock
20 First Down
21 Shrapnel
22 Eagle Eye
23 Sidewinder
24 Intercept
25 Hawkeye
26 Ghost Sniper
27 Afterburner
28 Slayonet
30 Sliding Slinger
31 Early Bird
32 Violent Streak
33 Primer
34 Executioner
35 Combat Limbo
36 Ghostwalker
37 Ghost Factory
38 Zero Zero
39 Sky High
41 Bullet Storm
42 Hellfire
43 Thermal Payload
44 Missile Volley
45 Enhanced Stand
46 Cool Off
47 Fire Carnival
48 Bullet Twister
49 Titan Recharge
51 Beam Barrage
52 Subterfuge
53 Myopic Screen
54 Ether Blast
55 Gravity Blast
56 Gravity Cloak
57 Pathogen Blast
58 Master Gunner
59 Clarity Ray
60 Beam Bomber
62 Jetstream
63 Stellar Ray
64 Lightning Cloak
65 Starlight Kick
66 Astral Protection
67 Shooting Star
68 Dual Dynamo
69 Gravity Lunge
70 Tacit Censure
72 Rising Blade
73 Defensive Stance
74 Offensive Stance
75 Magnum Edge
76 Tornado Blade
77 Burning Slash
78 Incendiary Edge
79 Samurai Soul
80 Ultraslash
81 Blossom Dance
82 True Stream Edge
84 Arcing Horn
85 Hair Trigger
86 Spiral Horn
87 Overwhelm
88 Speed Demon
89 Raijin
90 Trident Buster
91 Balance Breaker
92 Vortex
93 Maximum Voltage
95 Back Slash
96 Killing Machine
97 Side Slash
98 Stream Edge
99 Shadowrunner
100 Thirsty Edge
101 Blood Sacrifice
102 Upper Hand
103 Hundred Shells
104 Electric Surge
105 Shadowstrike
106 Crisis Zone
107 Seventh Edge
109 Wild Down
110 Flame Cloak
111 Trash Talk
112 Iron Prison
113 Supershield
114 Wild Smash
115 Reality Rift
116 Bombardier
117 Shield Wall
118 Drum Roll
119 Mindstorm
120 Atomic Hit
121 Flamehand
123 Screamer
124 Absorber Skin
125 Servant Sacrifice
126 Full Specs
127 Repair
128 Energy Source
129 Brainjack
130 Dispel
131 Black Butterfly
132 Recuperate
133 Chrome Armor
134 Slit Edge
136 Smooth Recovery
137 Black Bane
138 Secondary Speed
140 Geolibrium
141 Astrolibrium
142 Starfall Blade
143 Starfall Rondo
144 Astral Purge
145 Astral Horizon
146 Galactic Cataclysm
147 Astral Heal
148 Novalibrium
149 Starfall Blossom
150 Starlight Duster
151 Essence Exchange
152 Phenomenon
153 Boost Barrel
154 Sniper Barrel
155 Missile Barrel
156 Cannon Barrel
158 Inflicts Taunt + WITH MORALE: boosts TP
159 Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage[ST:n ]in melee combos
160 (TP) Deals thermal damage + Inflicts Blaze +[ST:n ]VS. TOPPLED TARGETS: boosts damage
161 Deals electric damage + Inflicts Blackout
162 Deals physical damage + FROM BEHIND:[ST:n ]Inflicts Stun
163 (TP) Boosts debuff resistance + Auto-revives on[ST:n ]incapacitation
164 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Topple on[ST:n ]mechanoids
165 Grants Supercharge + Grants total evasion[ST:n ]during execution
166 (TP) Boosts allies' TP
167 (TP) Boosts ranged attack + Boosts critical[ST:n ]chance + Reduces secondary cooldown
168 Deals thermal damage + Inflicts Blaze + VS.[ST:n ]TOPPLED TARGETS: boosts damage
169 Deals physical damage + Inflicts Topple
170 Inflicts Taunt to draw the target's attacks
172 Deals thermal damage + Inflicts Blaze +[ST:n ]Boosts damage in melee combos
173 Deals thermal damage
174 (TP) Restores HP when using Arts + Boosts fuel[ST:n ]recovery of parked Skells
176 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Topple on[ST:n ]humanoids
177 Deals weapon damage + Boosts appendage[ST:n ]damage
178 Grants Ranged Accuracy Up + Grants Ranged[ST:n ]Attack Up
179 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Debuff Res[ST:n ]Down
180 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Stun
181 Grants Critical Power
182 (TP) Boosts critical chance + Boosts TP with[ST:n ]criticals + Boosts ranged accuracy
183 (TP) Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage[ST:n ]in ranged combos
184 Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage in[ST:n ]melee combos
186 Deals weapon damage + FROM THE SIDE:[ST:n ]boosts TP
187 (TP) Raises Critical Power tier + Boosts critical[ST:n ]chance + Boosts evasion
188 Deals weapon damage + Boosts TP with[ST:n ]criticals
189 Grants Critical Power + Boosts TP
190 (TP) Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage[ST:n ]in ranged combos
191 Grants Effect Stasis
192 Grants Decoy
193 (TP) Grants Decoy
194 Deals weapon damage + Boosts TP in[ST:n ]melee combos
195 Deals physical damage + Boosts damage in[ST:n ]melee combos + Inflicts Stun
197 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Flinch on[ST:n ]humanoids
198 (TP) Deals weapon damage + WITH AN[ST:n ]AURA: boosts damage
199 (TP) Deals thermal damage + VS. TOPPLED[ST:n ]TARGETS: boosts damage
200 Deals thermal damage + Inflicts Thermal Res[ST:n ]Down
201 (TP) Boosts auto-attack damage + Continually[ST:n ]restores HP
202 Removes debuffs + WITH AN AURA: consumes[ST:n ]aura to yield TP
203 Deals thermal damage
204 Deals weapon damage + WITH AN AURA:[ST:n ]boosts TP
205 (TP) Negates damage reflection + Restores HP[ST:n ]when aura expires + Reduces secondary CD
207 Deals weapon damage + WITH AN AURA:[ST:n ]boosts damage
208 Inflicts Debuff Res Down
209 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Blackout
210 (TP) Deals ether damage + WITH AN AURA:[ST:n ]boosts damage
211 Deals gravity damage + Inflicts Topple
212 Grants Gravity Res Up
213 Inflicts Virus
214 (TP) Boosts ranged attack + Boosts potential +[ST:n ]Boosts appendage damage
215 Removes debuffs + Grants Ether Res Up
216 Deals weapon damage + WITH AN AURA:[ST:n ]boosts damage
218 Deals ether damage + Inflicts Stun
219 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Beam Res[ST:n ]Down + WITH AN AURA: boosts damage
220 Grants Electric Res Up
221 (TP) Deals gravity damage + Inflicts Topple
222 (TP) Boosts all attribute resistances + Restores[ST:n ]HP when using Arts
223 Deals electric damage + Inflicts Shock
224 (TP) Boosts melee attack + Boosts ranged[ST:n ]attack + Boosts potential
225 (TP) Deals gravity damage + Inflicts Topple +[ST:n ]Boosts damage in melee combos
226 Inflicts Virus
228 Deals weapon damage + WHEN TAUNTED:[ST:n ]boosts damage
229 (TP) Reduces damage taken + Continually[ST:n ]restores HP + Reduces total melee attack
230 (TP) Boosts melee accuracy + Boosts total[ST:n ]melee attack + Increases damage taken
231 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Physical Res[ST:n ]Down
232 Deals weapon damage + WITH AN AURA:[ST:n ]boosts TP
233 Deals thermal damage + Inflicts Thermal Res[ST:n ]Down
234 (TP) Deals thermal damage + Boosts damage[ST:n ]in melee combos
235 (TP) Adds AOE to melee AAs + Boosts AAs[ST:n ]upon taking damage + Reduces secondary CD
236 Deals weapon damage + FROM BEHIND:[ST:n ]boosts damage
237 (TP) Deals weapon damage + nullifies target's[ST:n ]attribute resistances
238 Deals weapon damage + WITH MORALE:[ST:n ]boosts TP
240 Deals electric damage + Inflicts Electric Res[ST:n ]Down + Boosts damage in melee combos
241 Grants Supercharge
242 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Physical Res[ST:n ]Down + Boosts damage in melee combos
243 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Fatigue +[ST:n ]Higher HP = higher damage
244 (TP) Reduces cooldown when sprinting +[ST:n ]Restores HP
245 (TP) Boosts critical chance + Restores HP when[ST:n ]using Arts + Reflects electric attacks
246 (TP) Deals electric damage + Inflicts Shock[ST:n ]+ Boosts damage in ranged combos
247 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Stagger in[ST:n ]melee combos
248 Deals electric damage + Inflicts Stun in[ST:n ]melee combos
249 (TP) Deals weapon damage + AFTER LOSING[ST:n ]SKELL: boosts damage
251 Deals weapon damage + FROM BEHIND:[ST:n ]boosts damage
252 (TP) Boosts melee accuracy + Boosts melee[ST:n ]attack + Boosts potential
253 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Fatigue +[ST:n ]FROM THE SIDE: boosts damage
254 (TP) Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage[ST:n ]in ranged combos
255 (TP) Boosts potential + FROM BEHIND: boosts[ST:n ]damage + Disables enemy detection
256 (TP) Restores HP when landing melee attacks
257 Halves current HP to boost TP by 1000
258 Grants Critical Power
259 (TP) Deals weapon damage + FROM BEHIND:[ST:n ]boosts damage
260 Deals ether damage. Lower HP = higher[ST:n ]damage
261 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Stagger +[ST:n ]FROM BEHIND: boosts damage
262 (TP) Reduces auto-attack intervals + Lower[ST:n ]HP = higher damage + Continually reduces HP
263 Deals weapon damage + Boosts TP in[ST:n ]ranged combos
265 (TP) Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Topple
266 Grants Thermal Res Up
267 Inflicts Taunt + WITH MORALE: boosts TP
268 (TP) Grants Physical Res Up + Enables[ST:n ]proximity spike damage
269 (TP) Reflects physical attacks + Reduces[ST:n ]damage taken + Nullifies Stun
270 Deals weapon damage + VS. TOPPLED[ST:n ]TARGETS: boosts damage
271 Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Slow Arts
272 Deals thermal damage + Inflicts Blaze
273 Grants Barrier
274 (TP) Deals weapon damage + Physical Res[ST:n ]Down + IN MELEE COMBOS: boosts damage
275 Restores HP + Grants Potential Up
276 Deals weapon damage + Boosts appendage[ST:n ]damage
277 (TP) Boosts debuff resistances + Nullifies terrain[ST:n ]effects + Enables counter spike damage
279 Inflicts Sleep
280 Grants Barrier
281 Boosts HP and TP when controlling a target +[ST:n ]Sometimes destroys the target
282 (TP) Boosts potential + Boosts ranged attack +[ST:n ]Boosts ether resistance
283 Removes debuffs + Restores HP
284 (TP) Boosts TP + Boosts potential
285 (TP) Seizes control of the targeted enemy[ST:n ]and turns it into an ally
286 (TP) Deals ether damage + Randomly removes[ST:n ]one buff from the target
287 Deals ether damage + Inflicts Ether Res Down +[ST:n ]Shortens aura effect time
288 (TP) Boosts evasion + Continually restores HP
289 Grants Physical Res Up
290 Deals weapon damage + FROM THE SIDE:[ST:n ]boosts damage
292 Restores HP + Grants Evasion Up
293 Deals ether damage + More debuffs on[ST:n ]target = higher damage
294 (TP) Reduces secondary cooldown + Reduces[ST:n ]auto-attack intervals
296 (TP) Boosts beam resistance + Continually[ST:n ]restores HP + Nullifies terrain effects.
297 (TP) Reflects beam attacks + Boosts beam[ST:n ]damage
298 Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage in[ST:n ]melee combos
299 Deals weapon damage + Boosts damage in[ST:n ]melee combos
300 Removes debuffs
301 (TP) Grants Astral Heal and Astral Purge to all[ST:n ]allies + Expands area-of-effect attack range
302 (TP) Deals beam damage + WITH AN AURA:[ST:n ]boosts damage
303 (TP) Restores HP + WHEN IN SKELL: restores[ST:n ]appendage HP
304 (TP) Grants Supercharge upon taking[ST:n ]damage + Enables counter spike damage
305 Deals weapon damage + FROM THE FRONT:[ST:n ]boosts TP
306 (TP) Deals weapon damage + Inflicts Gravity[ST:n ]Res Down + Boosts damage in melee combos
307 Swaps current HP and TP
308 Deals ether damage + Inflicts Ether Res Down
309 (TP) Reduces secondary cooldown + Reduces[ST:n ]auto-attack intervals + Boosts potential
310 Deals ether damage + VS. SHOCKED[ST:n ]TARGETS: Inflicts Stun
311 Deals electric damage + Inflicts Shock +[ST:n ]WITH AN AURA: boosts damage
312 (TP) Deals gravity damage + Inflicts Topple +[ST:n ]Boosts damage in ranged combos
313 Target: Single Enemy
314 Target: Nearby Enemies
315 Target: Enemy Vicinity
316 Target: Enemies Ahead
317 Target: Enemies Ahead
318 Target: Self
319 Target: One Ally
320 Target: Nearby Allies
321 Target: Other Allies